Saturday, June 17, 2006

玩命關頭3:東京甩尾 The Fast and Furious 3

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
原來一月初某天晚上跟R去Los Angeles 市中心閒晃,遇到的是The Fast and Furious 3實景拍攝現場,當天很奇怪,在洛杉磯圖書館附近的招牌全部換成日文,路旁的自動售貨機中擺著日式飲料,雖然近看很假,霓虹燈倒是閃得很迷濛,很有東京街頭的感覺。那天有問片廠安全警衛,他說得不清不楚(也可能是我聽力太差),OOXX電影要拍攝,想了一下,警衛說要等到將近子夜才會開始拍,所以跟R也就沒等了。當天很特別的體驗,所以印像很深,那天忘了有沒有拍照。殘念!!錯身而過。這是我很喜歡的電影。片尾看到Vin Diesel不禁尖叫起來,真是太屌了,可惜他身價水漲船高,已經不太適合(願意?)拍這種電影,哎~~。

關於電影評論,我想~~沒有,這部電影如果進電影院是來看劇情,那肯定頭殼壞去(不過這句台詞好;Life is simple, you make choices and don't look back.),可以肯定的是可以滿足,想看看片中飛車特技會不會幹掉頭文字D的周董~~哈哈~會~周董鳥掉了。

比較特別的是 台灣旅美導演林詣 出生台灣,九(8?)歲移民美國,其他資料,上Google吧~

原聲帶音樂不錯聽,推薦Tokyo Drift 主題曲

  • Tokyo Drift By The Teriyaki Boyz

  • I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you see me then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
    Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

    (Japanese verse)
    Rasha ii, omachito sama
    kenso mamiro konoma chinoenso dama
    tamama ichii do itsu eoi de
    sikayju miryu suruhudoni ko kana
    Japan, Ichiban
    Jump around sawchirono deban
    Teriyaki Boyz in the place to be
    he said intyaro kai in VIP

    many many diamonds danglin
    Bag full of money we stranglin
    Hate me, fry me, bake me, try me
    All the above cuz you can't get in
    I don't want no puro buremu
    Because muy professional
    Make you, shake you, ketsu (Thank you!)
    Haters take it personal

    (Japanese verse)
    like kakanada tai tets o now
    drop it on lets go now
    na nachima mai nimits o
    lets not chiki chima over
    wets go nets go
    tsuhilohilo over every color
    esgo esgol
    ju waktu chunai niikro
    new waksu itsukunai pingpoi

    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you see me then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
    Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

    (Japanese verse)
    HI. Wakashteruya
    Boyz. ateyuma kitobas
    noise. manshij kitemas indaghe
    tow banow gazmo windemas
    beyshiku wasupplies
    de. majmanchika abunai
    te. ninjehu kenjahu
    dakido geisha
    all on the rocks say

    Should see me in the parking lot
    7-11 is the spot
    Fights with wings and shiny things
    And lions, tigers, bears, Oh my ride
    We're furious and fast
    Super sonic like JJ Phat
    An' we rock cuz the wheels are fly
    Can't be doubt with a baseball bat

    (Japanese verse)
    like kakaru a
    kiyo koto sa
    matata in dey soki sayk yo
    ingosipta sh*to fokusai
    tekimatzailo kwanzai
    fola kwanza
    fara daka bumotosto
    dojidas score four points
    from far east coast to
    dosi sai
    watashi no kansito

    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you see me then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
    Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

    (Japanese verse)
    ya, ichipa mayni chito kitong kitas
    hito aylam tobi tobida
    mueruyo sh*to bochi bochi na
    kuma nigi dasusu kochi kochi eh
    hito a puro do resow
    machu subetenu rekong
    mechakari mundantesha
    fu guchaw chan
    fast an furious

    It's gotta be the shoes
    Gotta be the furs
    That's why ladies choose me
    All up in the news
    Cuz we so cute
    That's why we so huge
    Harajuku girls know how i feel
    They respect i keeps it real
    Not a Chinaman cuz I ain't from China man
    I am Japan man

    (Girls Talking) You see him come and go out of the black Benz SLR.
    I wonder where he get that kind of money?
    Don't worry about it.
    Lets Go

    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you see me then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
    Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

  • 關於飄移
  • ,對了,我車子不能飄,是會翻的。


    Hi! You.
    所以一開始我照正常程序,叫警察,他黑人大哥馬上臉沈下來。美國各州都有規定要保汽車保險,可是車子不是開太好,黑人、墨西哥人,基本上有很大的概率是,無保險的。警察來會先開單,因為他撞車,沒保險再開一張。其實我只是想解決問題,我也是好人代表,這些錢給我多好,大家都開心,而且這種小車禍是在自付額範圍內,所以叫警察填單子,不見得可以解決$問題,保險公司是不會賠的。然後黑人大哥開始碎碎念;You want call the police@$$%.......其他我都聽不懂,這才發現我英文真是差,溝通很困難。我很想解決問題,就是付錢,你給我走人,我說這在NIssan 修車價是$800、900,他臉馬上沉下來,開始拒絕協商,哎~~EQ真是低,好像是我撞他的車似的。
    上次育農也是開Xterra出車禍,下高速公路閘道,被撞,那老墨很有誠意,大概看到是新車,賠了$600,那時候拿到錢真的不知道該不該修,我跟弟弟的想法是,笨蛋不是只有一個,有一就有二,所以走了老墨,來了老黑。他老婆願意賠$300(黑大哥繼續拒絕協商中)。哎~~黑大嫂,你知道修保險桿很貴的嗎? 可是看到他可愛的小女孩,想起了我是好人,我不貪多,我已經募集到了一次修車的錢,所以.....好吧!簽了字(寫下事件緣由、名字、地址、電話,報稅用吧!),拿錢,目送他們走人。臨走時還一直跟他小女兒,說對不起,讓妳久等了。

    Xterra 美國出車禍 私下協商